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ckbplotr 0.11.4

  • Subheadings in forest_plot() row labels can be excluded by appending “@nolabel”.
  • Minor fix to generated code.

ckbplotr 0.11.3

  • Modified the default vertical positioning of column and panel headings, and x-axis label, in forest_plot()
  • Added argument panel.headings.align to forest_plot() to control centring of panel headings.
  • Added argument col.heading.rule to forest_plot() to add a horizontal rule below column headings.
  • Added argument axis.title.margin to theme_ckb() and ckb_style().

ckbplotr 0.11.2

  • Fixes.

ckbplotr 0.11.1

  • fix error from get_horizontal_spacing() when,, col.right.pos and col.left.pos arguments are all specified.

ckbplotr 0.11.0

  • addaes/addarg in forest_plot() can now also be used for column headings and diamonds.
  • addtext in forest_plot() can be used to display plotmath.
  • valign and halign arguments added to prepare_figure() and save_figure()
  • Fixes: use lineheight=1 for column headings; panel.headings in forest_plot_list_xlim(); add title after plot in prepare_figure(); automatic CI colour when using white fill in forest_plot(); improve calculations for narrow confidence interval lines; remove unneeded spacing for y axis tick marks.

ckbplotr 0.10.2

  • Fix dimensions for cropped figure in save_figure().

ckbplotr 0.10.1

  • Fix xlab and column headings when xlim is a list in forest_plot().

ckbplotr 0.10.0

  • Added ggpreview() and preview argument in save_figure().
  • forest_plot() can handle lists for xlim (axis limits).
  • Added arguments to forest_plot() to control column spacing.
  • Improved generated code.
  • Fixes.

ckbplotr 0.9.2

  • Fix incorrect argument name in shape_plot().

ckbplotr 0.9.1

  • Fix error when using col.lci and col.uci arguments in shape_plot() and forest_plot().

ckbplotr 0.9.0

  • + ckb_style() can now be used to make a ggplot into CKB style (instead of using plot_like_ckb()).
  • add argument added to forest_plot() and shape_plot() for adding layers (and other ggplot2 objects) to plots.
  • If a named list is used for the panels argument on forest_plot(), the names are used as panel headings.
  • row.labels.heading argument can be used to add a heading above the row labels in forest_plot().
  • The rows (and their order) included in a forest_plot() plot is set by the row.labels data frame. (Though the rows argument can still be used to select the rows to include.)
  • forest_plot() will work if a single data frame (instead of a list) is used.
  • forest_plot() will automatically match more column names for the estimates (estimate/est/beta/loghr) and standard errors (stderr/std.err/se).
  • Improvements to the code generated by forest_plot() and shape_plot().
  • Old arguments for specifying spacing, and make_shape_plot() and make_forest_plot() functions, removed.
  • Other minor changes.
  • Various fixes and refactoring.

ckbplotr 0.8.2

  • Fixes.

ckbplotr 0.8.1

  • blankrows argument of forest_plot() now allows decimals and negative numbers.
  • Added panel.height argument to forest_plot() and width argument to shape_plot().
  • Added data.function argument to forest_plot().
  • Small fixes and improvements.
    • Corrected calculation of text size on plots.
    • Upper and lower confidence interval limits used to imply SE where necessary.
    • Refactoring.
    • Updated documentation.

ckbplotr 0.8.0

  • In shape_plot() and forest_plot() the height and panel.width arguments, respectively, will set the size of the plotting panels (so fix_panel() no longer needs to used).
  • Arguments height and width have been added to plot_like_ckb().
  • The above two points were achieved using the ggh4x package which is now a dependency.
  • Improvements to save_figure().
  • Minor internal improvements.

ckbplotr 0.7.1

  • By default, shape_plot() and forest_plot() now use a new environment, with the same parent as the function call, to evaluate plot code. This should mean the functions work better when called from user-defined functions.
  • shape_plot() now has a digits argument to specify number of decimal places to estimates text.
  • shape_plot() default shape is now 16 (square) or 22 (filled square) if is set.
  • Added argument axes to plot_like_ckb() to control which axis lines should be added.
  • Update for ggplot2 3.4.0
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

ckbplotr 0.7.0

  • Added save_figure() function to help save plots as PDF files.
  • make_shape_plot() is now called shape_plot() and make_forest_plot() is now called forest_plot(). (But the original names still work.)
  • In forest_plot(), fill and cicolour (when using panel.width) can now be lists.
  • In shape_plot(), confidence intervals shorter than plotted points can be a different colour (and plotted before/after the points) by using the panel.height argument.
  • plot_like_ckb() now removes panel background and puts small top margin on plot.
  • Added gridtext version requirement (>=0.1.5) so that text formatting works for R versions >= 4.2.0 .
  • Internal changes made to improve structure.
  • Other minor fixes and updates.

ckbplotr 0.6.6

  • make_forest_plot() addtext argument can now add multiple tests results and/or text under the same row.
  • README updated.

ckbplotr 0.6.5

  • Added arguments to control the colour of non-data components of a plot.
  • Use R markdown to render plot code to display in Viewer pane of RStudio. (Replacing use of highlight package.)
  • Updates to vignettes.

ckbplotr 0.6.4

  • Added and legend.position arguments to make_shape_plot().
  • Added DOI badge and R-universe installation instructions.
  • Updated license (and add ggplot2 reference)

ckbplotr 0.6.3

  • Removed make_jasper_forest_plot function.
  • Minor improvements to make_forest_plot().

ckbplotr 0.6.2

  • Allow use of vectors for col.left and col.right in the addaes and addarg arguments. (So that different aesthetics and arguments can be added for each column.)
  • Add digits argument to make_forest_data() and make_forest_plot().
  • make_forest_plot() will report the results of automatic horizontal column positioning and spacing.
  • Various minor fixes.

ckbplotr 0.6.1

  • Fixes

ckbplotr 0.6.0

  • New spacing and column positioning arguments added to make_forest_plot(). By default, these will be calculated automatically.
  • New argument addcode in make_forest_plot() which inserts code into the generated plot code.
  • New arguments addaes and addarg in make_shape_plot() and make_forest_plot() which can be used to specify additional aesthetics and arguments for some ggplot layers.
  • New argument col.right.parse in make_forest_plot() which controls if columns are parsed into expressions when plotted.
  • New argument row.labels.levels in make_forest_plot() and make_forest_data() to specify which columns of row.labels data frame to use. And better handling of missing values.
  • make_forest_plot() no longer returns data. But the plot data is available at .$plot$data
  • New argument envir added to make_shape_plot (allows the user to specify the environment for evaluating the plot code).
  • ggtext::element_markdown() now used for y-axis labels in make_forest_plot()
  • fix_panel_width() replaced by fix_panel()
  • Improved handling of unicode characters.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Fixes and internal code improvements.

ckbplotr 0.5.0

  • In make_forest_plot(), confidence intervals narrower than plotted points can be a different colour (and plotted before/after the points) by using the panel.width argument.
  • A new function fix_panel_width() can then be used to fix the width of panels in a forest plot.
  • A new argument envir in make_forest_plot() allows the user to specify the environment for evaluating the plotcode. (Helpful if using make_forest_plot() inside another function.)

ckbplotr 0.4.1

  • Fixed make_jasper_forest_plot.

ckbplotr 0.4.0

  • Name of arguments in make_forest_plot(), make_forest_data(), and make_jasper_forest_plot() have changed. The old names should still work for now and a message is displayed to tell you the new names. Hopefully the new names are more meaningful.
  • The code returned by make_forest_plot() will now run entirely on its own with editing. (i.e. It includes code to prepare data for plotting, so you do not need to run make_forest_plot() for it to work.)
  • Use of coord_flip() has been removed from make_forest_plot(), and x and y have been switched where needed.
  • The x positions for axis labels, text columns, and panel headings in make_forest_plot() are rounded to six decimal places.
  • Point estimates and CIs outside the axis limits will not be plotted with make_forest_plot().

ckbplotr 0.3.2

  • Arguments col.right.headings and col.left.headings in make_forest_plot will now accept lists, so that different headings can be used between plots.

ckbplotr 0.3.1

  • New argument stroke in make_shape_plot and make_forest_plot.
  • New argument nullval in make_forest_plot, which adds a vertical reference line at this value. (By default a line is still added at 1 if using log scale.)
  • New argument minse in make_shape_plot and make_forest_plot which sets the minimum standard error to use when scaling point size. This allows scaling to be made consistent between plots.
  • Argument col.keep available in make_forest_plot() to keep columns in the returned data frame.
  • Using the addtext argument of make_forest_plot(), you now need to include an equals or less than sign with the p-value.

ckbplotr 0.3.0

  • New arguments for setting aesthetics overall (by value) or per-point (by specifying a column name).
  • Size of text and lines etc. can be controlled by base_size and base_line_size.
  • Fitted lines can be added to shape plots with the lines argument.
  • Log scale on plots can be controlled with the logscale argument.
  • Added vignettes and improved documentation.
  • Other small fixes.

ckbplotr 0.2.0

  • Update version number before changes that are not backwards compatible may be introduced.
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.